• Customs dollar : $931,75
  • M.T.U. : $68.034

About us

Formed in 1980, with the custom broker license of Alberto Romero Sánchez, Public Administrator with mention on Customs Administration and ex custom agent of Chilean Customs, by Resolution Nº1092 of april 15, 1980.

First, started in Talcahuano and Valparaiso, after that he opened offices in Santiago, Los Andes and San Antonio, with a trained  staff for a fast and good service. Today, this company has 23 professionals with experience in international  commerce.

This Custom Broker is known by its agility and transparency in its acting, compliance with tax and customs legislation, personalize attention to its clients, wich has helped us earn a reputation as one of the most trusted and respected service providers in our  region.

On 2008, Mrs. Claudia Romero González, lawyer, with studies at the University of Concepción, also consultant of this Agencia de Aduana for over 15 years, got the Custom Broker License Nº9201  on December 22, 2008. 

And they created the Agencia de Aduanas Alberto Romero Sánchez and Compañía Ltda.


We are a company that offers its clients personalized attention, diligence and speed in the dispatch of the goods that are entrusted to it, by carrying out the procedures, procedures and other operations before the National Customs Service and other inspection bodies, which intervene in International Trade.

We provide advice on foreign trade and customs processing, for imports and exports, ensuring a platform of services that facilitate the business of our current and potential clients.


Be recognized as an agency that delivers customs services in the main ports of the country, with seriousness and diligence, backed by qualified professionals in customs and foreign trade matters, achieving customer loyalty.

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