• Customs dollar : $990,94
  • M.T.U. : $67.429



The term export isderivedfrom the conceptualmeaning as to ship the goods and services out of the port of a country.

The seller of suchgoods and services isreferred to as an "exporter" whoisbased in the country of export whereas the overseasbasedbuyerisreferred to as an "importer". In International Trade, "exports" refers to sellinggoods and services produced in home country to othermarkets.

Exportation is the legalexit  of national or nationalizedgoods for use or consumptionabroad.

CustomsBrokerage Alberto Romero Sánchez y Cia. Ltd., offers the following services  on exportation:

  • AtChilean Customs:
  1. Prepare and process  the DUS – Oficial document thatallowsgoods to exit the country.
  2. Modifications to DUS first message whenappropriate.
  3. Preparation of legalized DUS
  4. IVV processing, if applicable
  • Area of Operations:
  1. Receipt and entry of cargo at the port of embarkation.
  2. Deliver the freight to Stacking.
  3. Submission of documentation of cargo to Customs and SAG, review and open container label if appropriate.
  4. Shipping Container Control
  5. Coordination between the National Customs Service and shipping port in case of physical inspections.
  • Documentation and Processing Area:
  1. Processing Export PhytosanitaryCertificate to bepresentedat SAG
  2. ProcessingCertificate of Origin, if required.
  • Recovery of Customs Duties, according to Law 18,708.


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