• Customs dollar : $931,75
  • M.T.U. : $68.034



Customs brokerage is a profession thatinvolves the 'clearing' of goodsthrough customs barriers for importers and exporters (usually businesses). This involves the preparation of documents and/or electronicsubmissions, the calculation (and usually the payment) on behalf of the client of taxes, duties and excises, and facilitating communication between the importer/exporter and governmentalauthorities.

To import, is to legallyintroduceforeigngoods to use and consumption in the country.

The CustomsBrokerage Alberto Romero Sánchez y Cía. Ltda., offersyouadvicetoimport, and our services include:

  1. Withdrawal of documentation at Airlines Agencys, Shipping and land freight.
  2. Preparation of the documentation relating to the importation(Processing of all types of clearances and certifications atgovernmentalauthoritiessuch as SAG – National Service of Agriculture ,  Health Service  )
  3. Processing the Import Declarationat de ServicioNacional de Aduanas ( National Customs Service)
  4. Removing the loadingfrom the port of entry and delivery it to the carrier for shipment to the consignee / importer.


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