A Peruvian citizen carrying 201 thousand in fake dollars was detected
• The money was inside two bags carried by the foreign citizen
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Completa asesoría en comercio exterior, para todo tipo de destinaciones aduaneras, especialmente importaciones y exportaciones de mercancías y servicios
Customs brokerage is a profession that involves the 'clearing' of goodsthrough customs barriers for importers and exporters (usually businesses).
The term export isderivedfrom the conceptualmeaning as to ship the goods and services out of the port of a country
Exportation from the national territory of goods legally entered that territory with out having carried out their importation by lawfulmeans.
Información correspondiente a las naves que recalaran en los siguientes terminales, fechas de arribo y zarpe.
• The money was inside two bags carried by the foreign citizen
The operation enabled Customs to seize 540,470 packs of cigarettes, which were hidden in a container coming from the United States.